So very soon you will wonder what life was like before doTERRA?!?
OKAY – First make me 3 simple promises!
- 1 – You will USE your oils
- 2 – You will seek to LEARN more about your oils
- 3 – You will SHARE with others how much you are LOVING them! (Don’t worry, that part will come naturally before you know it!)
#1 – Using your oils
Using your oils is the easy part… you got this far, i’m sure you intend to use them!
I put together this section so you don’t feel lost with what to do now that your oils are there staring at you. Remember, your oils can be used 3 ways: Aromatically, Topically and Internally!
Ready – Set – Go! Time to oil up! Turn to your oils first from now on! From the time you wake up til the time you go to bed, each day challenge yourself to use your oils in at least 5 different ways!
Remember this: Less Oil – More Often
This means using 1 drop of oil at 5 different times throughout the day, is more effective than using 5 drops of oil all at once. Remember continuous exposure is what give us improved bodily responses! So my challenge: expose yourself 5x a day!
To make this easier…
I kindly recommend you get these following items into your home:
A Diffuser – the 4 hour doTERRA Petal Diffuser is a great starter diffuser! It is a high quality diffuser, made to withstand the strength of the pure doTERRA oils. If you think you want a diffuser that runs longer the Lumo Diffuser is a great option, it will run for 10 hours. doTERRA also seasonally releases additional diffusers, so watch for the Mother’s or Father’s Day promos and the holiday promos.
Fractionated Coconut Oil – I love doTERRA’s Fractionated Coconut Oil, you can buy it easily when you log into your account. I do suggest buying the “FCO Pump” to go with it.
Roller Balls – These are what you use for topical application. I included a dilution chart below too. The doTERRA rollers are very high quality. I myself actually buy them on Amazon, I like these 5mL Rollers & these 10mL Rainbow Rollers. Amazon ones are for sure cheaper, but remember you get what you pay for, so pay attention to the star rating.
Veggie Caps – The doTERRA veggie caps are important to have for internal consumption. This bottle is only $4 wholesale and it has 160 capsules. This is the way to go if you don’t like the taste of the oil. Remember all oils that can be taken internally are marked with “Supplemental Facts”
A Storage/Travel Option – You are most likely quickly going to find that you need a place to keep your oils. I love these oil pouches. You can find some pretty neat ones on too. With a pouch you can grab it an throw it in your bag. There are also some pretty nice simple storage boxes and oil display stands available too.

Order Refills and Try new Oils & Products
As you use your oils, and grow to love them… that means that running out of one of them is going to be heartbreaking. I can’t remember the last time I drank a glass of water with out adding Wild Orange… I think I would cry if I ran out and didn’t have a back up bottle on hand.
Ordering more oils using the Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP)
Maybe you want to try a new oil or two or some different products? Is there a specific health goal you are tackling? Maybe you want to make sure you always have a citrus oil for your water? Or you need a new bottle of your favorites? Maybe it’s time to reduce your toxic load and consider the self-care products? Or you noticed there is a 30-day money back guarantee on the Life Long Vitality and you’re ready to give it a try?!?
Or you want free oils!! Guys – doTERRA also gives away a Product of the Month! If you place a LRP order over 125PV by the 15th of each month you receive that month’s FREE Product! And ACTUALLY if you place a LRP order over 125PV for the first 3 months following your starter kit our team gives away a FREE Intro Trio set too.
Best LRP Tip: Instead of immediately placing one large loyalty order… Spread your ordering out over a few months, and make sure you get at least 125PV on each order so you can get a free product each month! (Instead of just the first month!)
doTERRA rewards loyal users! The program is a flexible, optional, monthly program that literally rewards you for placing regular orders, like frequent flyer miles. AND, you can change your order every month! Basically, when you opt into the LRP, you receive FREE oils for being a loyal customer. You also receive all of your shipping back as reward points and you can earn an additional 10-30% in reward points from each order. This video explains it perfectly:
If you need help setting up your LRP order, or need different product recommendations, I am here to help! You can also cancel it anytime and you still keep your wholesale account – Just promise to use your points first… because FREE oils shouldn’t be ignored.
Here is a look at how quickly loyalty points accumulate!

Depending on which area in your life you are working on, here are some ideas of what to include in your LRP order.

#2 – Learning More About your Oils
Check out all the awesome Info
doTERRA has so much content on their website. Their site is one of the best places to learn about your new doTERRA medicine cabinet!
- Circle back to doTERRA’s website to cover the essential oil basics and info on the top 10 oils!
- They have an eduction series called “Empowered Life” and it’s a great way to learn more.
- They have fantastic articles, including recipes and DIY ideas, on the Blog.
- Each product page includes info, and often a video about the oil too.
Participate in Our Exclusive Oil Intro Course
Our team put together an awesome oil educational email series. It’s a fun and easy e-course that comes right to your inbox. It is only 2 weeks of brief emails, yes only 14 emails. It covers the top oils and ways to use them. It is very informative. If you complete the Oil Intro Course you will receive a prize in the last email.
This Oil Intro Course is exclusive to our oil team and I have to sign you up. Please contact me and I can get you started.
Join our private Facebook Community
If you are on Facebook – find me and friend me – I will add you to our private Facebook group! There is in our group! There are several years of history too, you can probably find an answer to any oil question in that group! We do giveaways in there and have a very active community. You can always post any oil questions in there too!
IMPORTANT! Get an Oil Protocol Guide or App
The oil books that are available are AMAZING! There are some fantastic 3rd party resources out there! I LOVE “The Essential Basics” and I LOVE “Advanced Oil Magic” book and another great book is the “Modern Essentials” book. Modern Essentials and The Essential Life both have apps too. One thing that is important, is that you always try to buy the most up to date version. Each year, usually in September, doTERRA releases additional oils, and it is best to have the newest book with the newest oils.
These oil protocol books are amazing at covering everything you would ever want to know about oils! They list out each oil and they list out each ailment and body system. They contain so much information! I daily turn to my book or app to look things up and i’m always saying “I didn’t know I could use that oil for that!”
Where to go to find oil Goodies?
These are a few of my favorite 3rd party sites that have some really AWESOME oil stuff. Be warned… you are going to see things you like and somehow, they will end up in your home.
Follow me on instagram
I try to consistently post oil tips on my @hikristi feed. I hope that you find my posts fun and helpful! Our doTERRA community at large has a huge presence on instagram and there are several awesome oil friends sharing lots of tips and tricks!
#3 – Share about your Oils
When was the last time you recommended a restaurant? Wasn’t it so natural to tell your friend about it. As you use your oils, talking about them and sharing comes naturally.
So many people that we brush elbows with are dealing with ailments and they are stuck in a cycle of just putting on bandaids, popping pills and dealing with side effects. Our modern medicine system is not quick to offer natural solutions.
As you experience the potency and efficacy of these oils, I encourage you to be a solutions provider, not only in your home but in your community! If someone has a headache – let them know peppermint can be rubbed on their temples. If someone has the “bubbly guts” let them know the digestion blend is awesome! There is truly an inner joy that floods your being when you are able to help someone in this way!
What does sharing look like?
You can share a drop from your bottle, or let someone borrow your roller. If you think you want to give someone a sample, we recommend picking up some of the 1/4 dram sample vials, and giving a friend like 10 drops of the oil. Tell them how you use the oil and even text them a pic of the info on that oil from your book or app. If you’re thinking you want to make a friend a roller ball, we recommend using a 3mL roller for them to sample.
Important: The goal is always to empower others to know that there are natural options out there. Don’t be their oil supplier because our wholesale customer agreement actually says we can’t resale the products. Direct them to doTERRA to learn how they too can get oils into their homes. I’d love to help with this too! I even reward my oil users for referrals! You can send them to my site and tell them to mention your name!
I try to do at least 5 “Essential Oil Basics” classes throughout the month! Some call these “Oil Parties” – but really it’s a lot simpler than that! If you have even a few friends who want to learn more, we can set a date and I can come to you and bring my oils and teach you all the basics! We can even meet in a coffee shop, it’s low key and lots of fun! I also do 1-on-1 appointments to cover the basics too. Contact me if you want to set something up or if you have a referral!
As you begin to share more, I love to direct to doTERRA’s Share Guide. This resource puts together some great info on how to share. As you begin to share more and more, it becomes my goal to help you get your oils paid for, at least in part! So let me know when you want to get your oils paid for!
Beyond Sharing – Start your own doTERRA Business
I mentioned Financial wellness as 1 area of consideration. Just as doTERRA is helping many people find physical and emotional wellness, they are also a means for financial wellness!
Is that voice inside insisting that there is something BIGGER you are supposed to be a part of! There certainly is! In addition to oil support, I also coach people on how to start earning income from doTERRA. doTERRA has become a means of income replacement for me! Not only do I LOVE the products, not only do I LOVE the opportunity to serve people and help them find solutions to deliver them from chronic ailments… I ALSO get paid to share about oils!
Would you like to get your monthly oil order paid for? How does a few extra hundred dollars a month sound? Are you looking for another line of income, or even complete income replacement and financial freedom?
If you are curious about how this works and where to start, feel free to reach out to me and I will get you set up in that direction. Our team is one of the best! The support and training you will receive with us is amazing. With the tools in place, I was able to hit Elite Rank in my launch month and Premier Rank my second month, and Silver Rank my fourth month! I credit my success with doTERRA to the team that I joined. It is totally something that you can do too! Contact me today for more info! OR Set up an appointment on my calendar for when it works for us both.
NOTE: Business Coaching can only be done with the person/team that got you started with doTERRA. This is for my current oil users who started with me, or someone who is not already a doTERRA Wellness Advocate.
This site may contain affiliate links. I may earn a small commission from purchases made through them, at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support! FDA REQUIRED DISCLAIMER – These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.