Welcome New Friends!
I’m so glad you’ve stopped by!

I’m so over joyed that you’re here! I’ve been waiting for you to come on by and connect!
I’m Kristi. I’m a lover of Jesus, a wife, a mom, a wearer of many hats and a woman of many talents. (All credit to the Lord!)
What have you come by to connect about?
Are you wondering about a Natural Lifestyle using doTerra oils? Mega game changer!
Are you wanting to connect about God stuff? I’ve put together a great running kids book list!
Did you hear about my book that’s coming? No link for that, pray for me!
But I did just finish up this Bible Journal you can get on Amazon! I hope you find it to be a great bible study tool!
Are you local and want to join our book club? Let me know!
Or maybe you heard I take great family photos… it’s true.
No matter what brought us here together on this corner of the internet… let’s connect and be friends! The post 2020 version of me is realizing the impact of real connectedness with other humans. Satan is out to kill, steal and destroy! Doing life with people is so important as we stand together against any evil schemes.